Discover the digital economy and trade at scale

We offer an exclusive trading experience for institutions and high net-worth individuals, assisted by expert support.

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We are the gateway to the crypto world

You can contact us any time you wish to trade large amounts quickly and safely, no matter your level of experience in crypto. You will receive premium service, tailored to your needs.

Driving the digital asset future

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1-on-1 service

Every investor is unique. We provide custom solutions and expert assistance throughout the process.

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Private & Secure

Our top priority is to protect our client’s interests, we have comprehensive controls to prevent the theft of financial assets or information.

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Trading pioneers

We have been operating in the crypto ecosystem since 2013.

Frequently asked questions about the Ripio Select service

What is Ripio Select?

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It is a premium service for institutional customers, focused on providing liquidity and the most competitive prices in the market. We’are committed to providing superior service.

Who can apply to Ripio Select?

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Any natural person or legal entity (Company) can trade on Ripio Select, as long as they comply with the account registration process. Some jurisdictions are excluded.

How can I contact the Ripio Select sales team?

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To contact our sales team, complete this form with your data.

How is the process to register an account?

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To start trading, you must send the necessary documentation to our Compliance team via an electronic form. The documentation review process can take up to 24 hours.. Documentation includes records that justify the amounts to be traded. As soon as the Compliance team has approved your account, you will receive a digital contract to be signed electronically.

What are the requirements to trade in Ripio Select?

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There are two requirements: (a) the minimum transaction amount is USD$ 5,000 or its equivalent in local currency, and (b) required supporting documentation must be valid and approved.

What is Ripio Select’s value proposition?

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The added value of Ripio Select is the accompaniment and assistance that we provide to our clients throughout the process, our commitment to confidentiality, and our track record in the crypto market since 2013.

What currencies can be traded on Ripio Select?

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Ripio Select offers trading in Argentine pesos and US dollars. We trade a wide variety of cryptocurrencies, with the most common being BTC, ETH, USDC, and USDT. It is not necessary to operate with all currencies.

Is there an Ripio Select platform?

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Yes, we have a dedicated platform for Ripio Select:

Can I continue trading in the Ripio wallet or its Exchange?

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Yes... However, to trade on Ripio Select, additional documentation is required,in addition to that of the Wallet onboarding. If you have any questions, you can write to us through, or using the Help button.

Do you still have doubts?